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View the full rules for examples of low-effort posts. Reposts, low-effort, and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) posts are not allowed. Questions that promote simple/yes/no replies, don't encourage quality discussion, or are not allowed - use the Daily Question Thread instead. Include the game's name in the post title when it is not 100% clear. Post titles should convey the content of your post quickly and effectively. No clickbait, vague, or misleading post titles. Please be civil and do not use derogatory terms. Hate-speech, personal attacks, harassment, witch-hunting, trolling, and similar behavior are not allowed. Remember the human and be respectful of others. No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment. Wild Fields Games Speed Crew 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM GMT Shunsuke Minowa r/JRPG * Disgaea 7 * 4:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM GMT Join our Discord chat Read the Wiki / FAQ Twitter Twitch YouTube Content Filters News We are a fan-run community, not an official Nintendo forum. r/NintendoSwitch is the central hub for all news, updates, rumors, and topics relating to the Nintendo Switch. Fully immerse yourself in the World of Spira as you enjoy over 100 combined hours of gameplay across the two classic titles.Ask a question Submit memes/shitposts Hide Spoilers Daily Question Thread | Read our Wiki | Join our Discord | 2022 GotY Results | Send a ModMail FINAL FANTASY X tells the story of a star blitzball player, Tidus, who journeys with a summoner named Yuna on her quest to save the world of Spira from an endless cycle of destruction wrought by the colossal menace Sin. Having been shown a mysterious but familiar image in a sphere, Yuna becomes a Sphere Hunter, and along with her companions Rikku and Paine, she embarks on a quest around the world to find the answers to the mystery within. It brings story content previously released only in the international versions, and a new audio drama set a year after the events of X-2.įINAL FANTASY X-2 returns to the world of Spira two years after the beginning of the Eternal Calm. Chinese studio Virtuos handled large parts of its development, while Square Enix published the collection. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is a high-definition remaster of the role-playing video games Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, originally developed by Square (now Square Enix) on the PlayStation 2 in the early 2000s.